He's argued from the start that America and its allies are putting too much emphasis on the military option 他从一开始就认为美国及其盟国过于强调军事手段。
Let's start off by building a script from the option analysis and parameter analysis functions that you saw above. 我们开始使用上述的选项分析和参数分析函数来构建一个脚本。
If the environment variable POSIXLY_CORRECT is set, parsing stops as soon as the first non-option parameter ( a parameter that does not start with a "-") is found that is not an option argument. 如果设置了环境变量POSIXLYCORRECT,那么对参数的分析一碰到非选项参数(以“-”开始的参数)就立即停止。
If the Kerberos KDC is not running, then right click and choose the Start option to start the KDC server. 如果KerberosKDC没有运行,那么右键单击并选择Start选项以启动KDC服务器。
From the server side, stop the sshd service and start it up with the debug option. 在服务器端,停止sshd服务,然后带调试选项启动它。
At any time during the meeting, Bob can start an audiocast by clicking the Audiocast option. 在会议期间的任何时刻,Bob都可以通过单击Audiocast选项启动一次语音广播。
Atom ( see my recent article on the topic) was an attempt at a fresh start for RSS, but in practice it just adds another option. Atom(请参阅我最近撰写的相关文章)本来希望给RSS一个全新的面貌,但实际上仅仅增加了一种选择。
The exec keyword ( with the start option) defines how to start the service, with any available options. exec关键字(以及start选项)定义了如何使用任何可用的选项启动服务。
Let's start with a high level summary and then dive into each option for more details and specific examples. 让我们先给出一个高度总结,然后再详细研究各个可选方案的细节和特定实例。
You can start wsadmin without having a server running by using the-conntype NONE option with the wsadmin tool. 在无需使用wsadmin工具-conntypeNONE选项来运行服务器的情况下你也可以启动wsadmin。
Note: The application server listed in the Server view should be started by right-clicking the server's name and selecting the Start option. 注意:Server视图中所列出的程序服务器应该通过右击服务器的名字并选择Start选项来启动。
Jmxremote option; applications no longer need to start with this option. 现在,应用程序不再需要使用这个选项启动。
Start by updating the student list to include an Edit option on each row. 首先,更新学生列表以便在每一行都包括一个Edit选项。
Then we check that the first two chars of s1 are "-s", to indicate the start page option. 然后我们检查指示起始页选项的s1的头两个字符是否为“-s”。
For now, the simplest way to start is to select the Workspace option and then browse the workspace to find the profile. 现在,使用最简单的方法,选择Workspace选项并浏览工作空间选择概要文件。
Java start option requirements Java启动选项需求
Where possible, walk: Start with the simplest option first. 只要有可能,就步行:首先以最简单的选择开始。
You start thinking about that as kind of an insane option for a human being, he added. 他还补充说:这时你就会想,对正常人来说,这大概是个疯狂的选择。
In terms of exercise, what you are looking to do is to choose the quick start option and start cycling. 开始锻炼的时候,你要选择快速启动选项,开始骑行。
Place a check mark beside the Back Up My Data option. Give it a few minutes to back up and then when you start the new Android device, a setup option will let you restore settings and apps from backup. 勾选备份我的数据选项,然后等待几分钟以让设备备份数据。当你启动新安卓设备时,便可通过一个设置选项恢复备份中的设置与应用程序。
Choose the start project option. 选择“启动项目”选项。
Berlin has the investor it favoured from the start, believing this option would best safeguard German factories and jobs. 德国政府得到了自己从一开始就中意的投资者,认为这样能最好地保护德国工厂和工作岗位。
To start using it, add it to your path and invoke it with the help option to get the usage information. 使用之前请将其添加到路径中,并使用帮助选项获得用法说明。
If you want to create a delay between the end of one animation and the start of the next item in the list, click an option in the delay list. 如果要在列表中某一动画结束后和下一动画开始前添加延迟时间,请在“延迟”列表中单击某选项。
Under range of recurrence, click a start date in the start list, and then select a stop option. 在“重复范围”下,在“开始”列表中单击一个开始日期,然后选择一种停止选项。
If you start LightScribe by clicking the button, you will get the option "data label". 如果通过单击按钮来打开lightscribe,将会出现“数据标签”选项。
Start netmeeting, and select the option dialog from the tools menu. 启动NetMeeting,从Toolsa菜单中选择Options对话柜。
So let's start with option number one. 因此,让我们开始第一选择。
To start with both a common option of the Sinicization and a integrative angle of view, they had regarded the transformation in rural areas as the strategy footstone of a modern country. 从共同的中国化的取向和现代化的整体性视野出发,他们都将农村的社会改造看作是造就现代化国家的战略基石。
Foreign research, the paper start with the Black-Scholes option pricing formula, the research on the options in the options for the nature of convertible bonds were studied. 国外研究方面,本文先从Black-Scholes期权定价公式出发,对期权的研究为可转债中的期权性质进行了研究。